Classes in Argentine Tango
From Spring 2024, Argentinian Tango is back into the dances offer of DTU Dancing!
For this first semester, the classes will be open level.
- Beginner Level: Wednesdays 18:00 - 19:30

- Intermediate Level: Wednesdays 20:30 - 22:00
Tango is a soft couples dance which is primarily danced socially. At its core, it is a way of "walking" together, and even though there are steps one can learn, it is most commonly improvised. The couple consists of a leader and a follower and while historically they have been gender specific, this is not the case anymore. Here is a video that might be able to inspire you:
Ruben is 32 years old and has been dancing for a number of years. He has teaching experience both as a boarding school and tango teacher. Tango (and dancing) is a major passion in his life and he loves to share it with others! In hisclasses you are invited to switch roles and partners regularly, which creates a great social dynamic and a wonderful learning space.
He is fluent in both danish and english.
Join our Argentine Tango Facebook group
Join the DTU Dancing Argentine Tango Facebook group to keep in touch with other dancers in your class, but don’t forget to sign up for the class here on the website.
Latest updated by Lucie on 09-Jan-2024